You see them by country roads; in dairies and grazing in the fields. They all look the same.
They're just COWS
But I bet you haven't seen some of the hardiest, strangest cattle in the world.
Let's take a look:
Cattle in Africa have to be sturdy and heat-resistant.
And give milk as well as meat. The Ankole Watusi fills the bill perfectly.
I love Longhorns! Did you know that there are English longhorns as well as Texas ones like the above? Below is an English longhorn:
Record holder for the longest horns in the world?
Poncho Via, a Texas Longhorn in Alabama, currently has horns 10 feet, 7 inches...and they'll just keep getting longer!
Then there's the very shaggy Highland cow, below, which can now be found in Australia as well as in other climates much colder than Scotland.

Above, the Schwarzenegger of all cattle, the Belgian Blue! It has double the muscle of other breeds. Belgian Blues weigh one ton... about 700 pounds more than most other breeds.
Thought to be descended from the extinct Aurochs, the Zebu, above, is essential in tropical countries for meat, milk, and as a draft animal. Zebu makes me think of the Veggie Tales song :)
Mini-cattle? Actually, these little guys are much cheaper and easier to raise than the big ones... kind of makes you want to put one or two in your backyard, doesn't it?
So which of all these amazing cattle is your favorite?
Me? I kind of lean toward the Belgian Blue... always hoping, of course, that he won't lean back! :)
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