

Seven Things You Didn't Know About Frogs

1. Not all frogs can leap, or even hop. The desert rain frog has legs that are too short to hop. Instead, it walks...take a look below!

2. Before it jumps at a strange frog, the New Guinea Bush frog inflates itself and shows off its blue tongue. See other ewww frogs here

3. Stumpffia tridactyla (it doesn't have a common name) are only 1/2 inch long, but when they’re startled they can jump 16x their own length...up to 8 inches! 

4. The Fuji Tree frog may be the leaping stuntman of the frog world. Each time it leaps, it twists in the air—sometimes even 180 degrees—to throw predators off its trail.

5. The Larut Torrent frog gets its name from a nifty leaping trick: it can jump into a fast-moving stream and back to its usual perch without being affected by the current...thus Torrent frog?

6. The Red-eyed Leaf frog parachutes from tree to tree with its toe-webbing spread wide.

7. The record for longest jump by an American bullfrog recorded in a scientific paper is a little over 4 feet. But...scientists who went to the famous Calaveras County Frog Jumping Contest found that more than half the frogs beat that record—and one jumped more than 7 feet in one leap!

He's a big guy...but there's a bigger one out there...want to see the largest frog in the world?  Click here.

And for a fun video on the official Jumping Frog Contest at Calaveras County, check out the video below... it made me laugh!


  1. amy orndorff07 April

    i love the first picture! frogs are so amazing! this is so addicting; you've gotta write more posts! i <3 i spy animals!! :)

  2. Such fun facts! Thanks. :)
