

Golden Tabby Tigers

So you thought tigers just came in orange & black, or white & black?  There are actually rare tiger colors that are not as well-known.

The golden tabby, above, has dark orange stripes instead of black.

The black tiger has wider stripes and more black on its head and back.

And the blue tiger? A blue tiger cub was born at a zoo in Oklahoma, but died while young. There have been reports and descriptions of blue (Maltese) tigers in the wild, but not one has been captured!

What do you think?  Pretty amazing colorations!

The tiger is beautiful, but certain types are very rare and will soon be gone from the earth.

Want to help? Visit the Save the Tiger Fund to see how.


  1. Caitlyn30 January The golden tabbies are absolutely and totally gorgeous, especially the one in the middle! I like the blue too, fan of that kind of colour in all sorts of other animals. (:

  2. Me gustan todos los colores de estos tigres tengo un gatito en casa naranja y blanco y es hermoso pero muy travieso mehubiese gustado mas con negro pero bueno es lo que hay

  3. Tigers, regardless of coloration, are the most gorgeous of all mammals IMO. Horses are second.IMO.
