

When zebras go pale...

"White" zebras actually encompass leucistic, blonde, and albino colorations

Actual true albino zebras are extremely rare...but there's a photo of one below.

Let's take a look:

Here's another picture of the true albino zebra:

Now check out this zebra...this zebra looks partially erased. He's among Grant's zebras, but his faded stripes look like a Burchell's or Chapman's zebra...

Interesting fact: There is a white zebra herd at Mt Kenya, Africa, which, when discovered in 1899, was afforded the protection of the British Crown.  Here they are below:
To see the Black zebra, check out my blog post here.


  1. Anonymous28 March


  2. Anonymous10 August

    Looks like Burchell to me, Chapman generally have much broader black markings. It would be a good addition to the quagga project with it's lack of markings on it's hindquarters

  3. Maybe! it would be strange for a Burchell's to hang out with Grants, although their ranges share a common border.
